Bloggers Anonymous…

I need to come up with better titles for my posts…

After you’ve revised stories and uploaded pictures, check these out, and write a comment on this post about any ONE of the articles below (you might also consider blogging about one of the topics brought up by one of the articles):

1) LISTEN to this NPR story about Tina Brown (who is the FIRST woman editor of Newsweek).  Ms. Brown began the blog/website DailyBeast, and has some interesting things to say about journalism.  (also consider either NPR or the Daily Beast as a source)

2)  Read this story about how cell phones may cause cancer by Randall Stross (from the New York Times).

3) Read this story about people who sleep in trees (!!!?!) in New York’s Central Park.  (Colin Moynihan reporting for the New York Times)

3 thoughts on “Bloggers Anonymous…

  1. The phone one is so true. My mom actually told me about this a few months ago and kept on telling me to text and not call. My mom even lowered our monthly minutes so we would not call using our cell phones. I think people should leave phones in their backpack and not have them close when you go to bed.

  2. I found the cell phone story suprising. I had heard of this possibility before, but did not know all of the facts. It seems that some researchers/scientists believe it, while others find it to be a big lie. The whole concept is scary considering how often people use cell phones, but I don’t think this is going to keep anyone from using their cell phone until the link between cancer and cell phones is proven to be a serious threat.

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